The Overlook

3825 Harbor Village Trail
Austin, TX 78746

*If you have trouble viewing the window above, download the KMZ file and open in Google Earth (Directions)

To use the Google Earth model:

•  The file takes a minute to load, be patient, at first it will show the vacant land, then the 3D model should appear.

•  The model should start high in the air, looking to the hillside. You will see the Lake Austin Marina in the foreground.

•  The project is in the center of the screen.

To move and look about:

•  To move your "camera", just left-click on the screen in the direction you want to fly to. Then slowly move your mouse control wheel to "fly". You use this method to "fly" in the direction you are looking.

•  The cursor turns into a hand on the screen. You can click and drag the model back and forth, right and left.

•  To change the direction your camera is looking, use the large compass in the upper right–hand area of the screen. Just click and hold in the center of the compass and slowly drag the cursor all around.

Disclaimer: The Google Earth model is a simplified 3D approximation of the development. We have done our best to build a computer model of the project on the site but it should not be relied on to depict the exact views from all the units.